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War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)


Director: Matt Reeves

Caesar's First Kill

Shot 1A: Caesar and group rides out of the trees...

Shot 1B: PAN with Caesar... we see ocean...

Shot 1C: Caesar and group stop to look at smoke rising from distant buildings...

Shot 1D: Caesar reaches gate and dismounts... the others follow...

Shot 1E: The others reach gate and dismount... Caesar waits, surveying the farm...

>Shot 2A: The others join Caesar at the gate. Caesar reaches for his shottie... the others follow his lead and pull their guns too... they exchange wary glances and head in... Cam PANS with Caesar...

>Shot 2B: PAN right with Caesar... he walks to building #3... we TRACK BACK as he walks slowly past the openings looking carefully for signs of life...

>Shot 3A: From inside building #3... Caesar walks past broken door peering into the dark empty rooms... Wind moans. old boards creak... an air of tension...

Shot 4A: Camera TRACKS between first buildings heading into the farm...

Shot 4B: Rocket and Maurice enter as we TRACK into farm...

>Shot 5A: long lens shot looking back at gates as the group heads down toward camera... Maurice walks ahead of the others...

Shot 6A: Over Maurice and Rocket near building #4... we see horses grazing near trailer...

Shot 6B: ...a man carrying wood appears...

Shot 6C: The man stops and stares...

Shot 7A: The apes stare back at the man... uneasy silence...

Shot 8A: The man very slowly starts to lower the wood he's carrying... "I'm just gonna put this down"...

Shot 8B: ...he drops his pile of wood and whips a rifle up from his shoulder... he fires...

Shot 9A: The shot just misses Maurice...

Shot 10A: Ape hands swing a gun up and fire... Bang!

Shot 11A: The man drops dead...

Shot 12A: Luca, Rocket and Maurice are surprised... they look to see who fired...

Shot 13A: Reverse raking shot over apes to Caesar... He stares at his victim... gun still smoking...

Shot 14A: Low angle... Caesar enters and looks down at man's body...

Shot 14B: The others enter and look down at man...

Shot 15A: Apes' POV of crude Alpha OMega tattoo on man's arm...

Shot 16A: Luca signs: (What's he doing out here alone?) Rocket signs: (Maybe he's a deserter)

Shot 17A: Wide past apes... they hear a crash inside the building...

Shot 18A: Reverse angle... ...Caesar turns to look at the building... he expects more trouble...